In the words of our customers

Appreciation for our team and every department from our customers across markets and the globe. Here is a selection.

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On May 30th, 2020 SpaceX launched NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Doug Hurley aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule … I want to thank you personally for your dedication and hard work during the last several years … your perseverance has made an undeniable difference to our Nation … we are honored to have you as a partner.
Fluid Power - Mobility Hydraulics
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I (lead) the product development efforts to fix a $xxM recall. It was a brutal 6-month process. The shining light in the entire process was finding Darcoid. They literally came in and helped us redesign our seal, our hydraulic bore, and they brought us a quality seal that literally allowed us to go back into the market with a product we had faith in.
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The Customer/Supplier relationship can often times be quite a tumultuous one indeed. So, when you find one that provides you with honest and fair pricing, professional and value-added services, and extensive and experienced expertise in their industry, it is quite rare. It is for these reasons that I commend Darcoid .. for .. striving to make sure that we .. are taken care of
General Industry
I’ve worked with Darcoid for almost 10 years now. My rep has every quality you look for .. Honest communication, prompt service, and general availability are at the top of his priorities. Darcoid has helped us navigate line down situations in a tactical sense as well as strategically plan out next generation products. .. they are always the first call I make
Fluid Power - Mobility Hydraulics
(Darcoid) is the gold standard with respect to structuring a supplier/customer partnership. I can’t think of anyone who does it better. (Their) consistent support, honesty, insights, and ethics are all deeply appreciated. (We) need more relationships like this. It’s like having an “Easy Button”.
Sustainable Energy
.. an excellent/knowledgeable resource for discussing robust sealing solutions and seal design.. Darcoid .. re-visioned our sealing concept to address a key design constraint.
General Industry
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Shout out for Darcoid ... You guys did probably our most complex seal design. That's still cranking out revenue to this day .. so kudos to your team.
Fluid Power - Mobility Hydraulics
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Knowledge of the seal industry is invaluable when … additional supply chains are required to support our growing production … Darcoid (is) clearly committed to …our reputation for performance, innovation, and reliability.
Electric Mobility
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Darcoid was the perfect partner for our startup ... (a) great memory was picking up the bag of prototypes on my way to the airport to a Tier 1 supplier in China! Now that was a hustle and only something Darcoid could help pull off! ... Looking forward to working with Jason and his team next time!
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Darcoid has several strong points that I have personally benefitted from and experienced over the years. One of the best technical support of materials and sealing designs. Excellent new product launch and prototype support ... Having local inventory continues to our best defense against purchasing and planning short coming other vendor comes close.
Fluid Power - Mobility Hydraulics
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I’m always looking forward to working with Darcoid.  They are extremely responsive, friendly to work with and committed to meeting our sealing requirements no matter how challenging they are.  .. their expertise has been critical to the success of our projects.  They understand and mirror our passion for performance … a key partner for future development.
Life Sciences and Medical Devices
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We have spent several years working with Darcoid on a full suite of components used in one of our ophthalmic surgery devices.  Darcoid has supported us with a significant number of prototypes …their technical team and program manager have kept in constant communication … We’re confident we’ve found a long-term partner