Our vision is simple:

To be your best strategic supplier

The performance of your product is directly related to the quality and reliability of the seal. Our solutions help companies perform better and reduce warranty risk. Our seals enable market beating performance for some of the world’s most well-known brands. We build value, we ship value, we enable your success.

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Our seals help you make the best working products in the world.

The fastest moving, the deepest diving, the longest lasting, the farthest driving, the most winning and the most dependable.


Next level value
Next Level® partnership.

Everyone talks about value, partnership. We walk the walk. Our performance data shows you just how much of our potential value you are realizing. A results driven roadmap to supplier of the year. Next Level® is alignment – from your mission statement and goals to your department stakeholders.

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More than a Seal. A Bond.

Darcoid has been investing aggressively in our technical capabilities, and most importantly, our technical people. We have trained engineers on staff working on new applications every day. The big brands in the industry will keep you at arm’s length, but at Darcoid, you’ll have direct access to our technical team. We want to be your partner in engineered seal solutions. Let us help you get your best work out into the world.

Sustainable Energy

A Startup in Hydrogen Electrolysis..

A startup with compelling technology IP in hydrogen electrolysis needed help moving from proof of concept to production capable designs.

Fluid Power – Mobility Hydraulics

Quick, precise, iterate, repeat.

A brand leader in high performance ride control components was having problems scaling a shuttle valve into a smaller package size. Actuation and performance of the valve component was inconsistent..

Data Sheets

FKM Material Compound #4031

Darcoid FKM (Fluorocarbon) Material Compound Data Sheet #4031. Original test data stored in the Darcoid Compound Database. This material is available to run in our manufacturing partner plant in Asia..

Data Sheets

VMQ Material Compound #5012

Darcoid VMQ (Silicone) Material Compound Data Sheet #5012. Original test data stored in the Darcoid Compound Database. This material is available to run in our manufacturing partner plant in N..

Sustainable Energy
A Startup in Hydrogen Electrolysis Needed Help - Darcoid Case Studies
Fluid Power – Mobility Hydraulics
Quick, precise, iterate, repeat.
Data Sheets
FKM Material Compound #4031
Data Sheets
VMQ Material Compound #5012
quote svg

On May 30th, 2020 SpaceX launched NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Doug Hurley aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule … I want to thank you personally for your dedication and hard work during the last several years … your perseverance has made an undeniable difference to our Nation … we are honored to have you as a partner.


.. an excellent/knowledgeable resource for discussing robust sealing solutions and seal design.. Darcoid .. re-visioned our sealing concept to address a key design constraint.

Sustainable Energy

… best technical support of materials and sealing designs. Excellent new product launch and prototype support ... local inventory ... no other vendor comes close.

General Industry

(Their) consistent support, honesty, insights, and ethics are all deeply appreciated.  (We) need more relationships like this.  It’s like having an “Easy Button”.

Fluid Power - Mobility Hydraulics

I (led) the product development efforts to fix a $xxM recall.  The shining light in the entire process was finding Darcoid.  9 years later and Darcoid is still our preferred seal supplier.

Fluid Power - Mobility Hydraulics

Shout out for Darcoid ... You guys did probably our most complex seal design. That's still cranking out revenue to this day .. so kudos to your team.

General Industry

Knowledge of the seal industry is invaluable when … additional supply chains are required to support our growing production … Darcoid (is) clearly committed to …our reputation for performance, innovation, and reliability.

Fluid Power - Mobility Hydraulics